Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Sunchips: Doing Work for the Environment (Final)

How many times have you driven down a road and seen ditches littered with random garbage? Typically one sees this and thinks to his or herself, "Seriously? Why can't they just find a trash can?"

Well - now lazy, "I could care less" individuals go ahead and litter while those who do care can sleep at night once again; courtesy of Frito Lay.

The Sunchips 100% compostable bag, released a few months ago, claims to bio-degrade in roughly 14 weeks time. While 14 weeks may still seem like a lengthy span, other bags don't decompose at all. The bag is made of polylactic acid (PLA). PLA is a polymer derived entirely from plants, making the new bag biodegradable!

While it's true that the bag is biodegradable, snackers are not "home free." No longer can one get away with late night snacking without anyone else knowing. This is one LOUD chip bag! The subtle crinkle that most bags make has been replaced with something rivaling the sound of a jet liner coming in for a landing. Frito Lay recognizes and accepts this downside, however; apparently plant-based materials have different sound properties than their previously used petroleum-based counterparts.

So keep an eye out for the television commercials, or hop online and check out these chips at

They have done their part, now it's our turn to fork over the dough and buy some bags of chips. Think about it. You're gonna end up buying some form of chip anyways.

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