Monday, February 8, 2010

A little something about Dave Williams.

I'm Dave Williams, a junior majoring in communication studies and minoring in business administration. A combination of my friends, family and education define who I am and what I aspire toward.

My family created my foundation. My morals, work ethic and some of my personality comes from this foundation (amongst other attributes).

My education acts as the tool used to move forward from the foundation set by my family. The successes that I have had in the classroom have allowed me to move forward in life and pursue something greater than I could have ever anticipated. It also acted as a gateway to a sport I truly enjoy, track and field.

My friends sort of fill in the cracks. They exist to keep me in check so I don't get too full of myself or cut myself down when something goes awry. I like to think that I do the same for them, but who knows?

The intersection of these three "building blocks" has created the individual you all see today; the hard working fella with a sense of humor that draws the attention of many, MOST of the time in a positive way.

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