Sunday, March 21, 2010

Press Release (Draft)

**This Press Release is Entirely Fictional and Created For A Public Relations Course**


March 21, 2010

Dealership Says: Not All Lemons Are Bad

(Twin Cities, MN) In the wake of the great Toyota recall, Twin Cities' Luther auto dealers are offering a chance few can refuse. Effective April 1st - June 31st, new car buyers have the chance to purchase a "lemon" vehicle. These lemon vehicles are secretly chosen and present the buyer with an additional 2,000 dollars cash back at the time of purchase.

The event, appropriately named "When Life Gives you Lemons" is set to include all of the Luther dealers in the Twin Cities/Metro area. At the time of purchase, winners see their new car drive up filled with paper lemons adorned with dollar signs. Additionally, cars not selected but purchased within the effective time period may be subject to a "rebate" via mail check.

This unorthodox marketing method was created in an effort to debunk the idea of car buyers ending up purchasing "lemon" or defective vehicle models. With levels of consumer skepticism on the rise, Luther auto dealers feel something needs to be done to rebuild trust.

"In these trying economic times, it's all about building relationships with the customers," says Walter Smithenburg, Luther GM. "Losing a little money now to establish customers for the future is definitely worth it."

For details on the "When Life Gives you Lemons" savings event, contact your local Luther dealer or stop in during normal business hours.

Founded in 1952, Luther Auto Group has become the largest family of automotive dealerships in the midwest. Grounded in the approach of customer respect, service standards and fair pricing, Luther Auto Group has maintained loyal customers for generations.

David Williams, Hamline CLA
NonExistent PR Inc.